HC Deb 01 August 1944 vol 402 cc1134-5
1. Mr. E. J. Williams

asked the President of the Board of Trade the steps taken to meet the increased need for children's footwear and clothing in South Wales and other reception areas.

The President of the Board of Trade (Mr. Dalton)

As I informed my hon. Friend last Tuesday, I have instructed my area distribution officers to keep a close watch on supplies of clothing and other essential goods in reception areas, and if necessary, I will direct additional supplies to these areas.

Mr. Williams

Could my right hon. Friend indicate what is being done between his Department and other Departments?

Mr. Dalton

My hon. Friend asked me a Question regarding clothing and footwear. The Board of Trade are endeavouring to put supplies at the disposal of local authorities in evacuation areas in order that every child, every official evacuee, shall be able to leave the evacuation areas with a reasonable supply of clothing and footwear, and so that they shall not cause an immediate run on the shops in the reception areas. That is our aim. As I have said, if I find from my local officers that that is not succeeding I will do my best, out of the limited total of available supplies, to send more to the reception areas.

Mr. James Griffiths

Is my right hon. Friend, in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, taking steps to secure additional supplies of household utensils of all kinds, which are very short in evacuation areas and elsewhere, and are badly needed for evacuees?

Mr. Dalton

I am glad my hon. Friend has asked me that, because it enables me to say that the Ministry of Health is arranging for local authorities to lend essential bedding, camp beds, crockery, pots, pans, etc. to householders who need extra equipment for evacuees. So far as possible I am furnishing these supplies at the evacuation end, but if that is not possible, we will send them to the reception areas.

Sir Joseph Lamb

When the Minister refers to local authorities, does he mean the education committees of local authorities?

Mr. Dalton

The arrangements are made through the Ministry of Health; I assist in accordance with that Ministry's desires.

Mr. Riley

Does my right hon. Friend appreciate the great difficulty of mothers in finding supplies of essential articles for their young children?

Mr. Dalton

I have already said that we are endeavouring to equip children at the evacuation points. I hope there will be no additional pressure at the reception points.

60. Lieutenant-Colonel Mayhew

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will consider reopening the restricted zones for persons who have been bombed out of their homes, and who wish to reside in one of these zones.

The Secretary of State for War (Sir James Grigg)

Persons holding a certificate, issued by a local authority, that they have been rendered homeless as a result of enemy action, can enter the Protected Area to reside with relatives or friends therein.

Lieutenant-Colonel Mayhew

Will my right hon. Friend consider the special case of bombed-out persons who need railway facilities to get to their work, and who cannot find any adjacent accommodation?

Sir J. Grigg

I am very sorry, but, again, I must say that that part of the problem is not one for me to solve.