HC Deb 20 April 1944 vol 399 c372
56. Sir William Wayland

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he will increase the percentage of glass allowed to nurserymen for the growing of winter flowers, as the present Regulation cutting the percentage down to 10 per cent. represents to the small grower a great hardship, whereas it does not affect the large nurseryman to the same degree; and if he will consider altering the present Regulation to a maximum of 400 yards of glass or 10 per cent., whichever is the greater.

Mr. Hudson

In view of the necessity for obtaining the maximum production of food crops from the glasshouse industry, I regret that I cannot agree to any general increase in the amount of space allowed for the growing of flowers and other nonessential crops. In order, however, to alleviate the special difficulties of the small glasshouse owners I have asked county war agricultural executive committees to grant an exemption from the restrictions on glasshouse cropping imposed by the Horticultural (Cropping) Order, 1943, where the total glasshouse area does not exceed 1,000 square feet and no paid labour is employed on the holding.

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