HC Deb 06 April 1944 vol 398 c2165
36. Mr. De la Bère

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he will now give further consideration to inducing the gas and electricity companies to utilise the services of one and the same man for reading the gas and electric meters.

The Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fuel and Power (Mr. Tom Smith)

The question of using the same staff to read both gas and electricity meters was fully considered in consultation with representatives of both industries in 1942, when the conclusion was reached that the difficulties in the way of the introduction of a general scheme of this kind were prohibitive. This question has been considered again, but I can find no grounds for a departure from that conclusion. The problem is a good deal more difficult now than it was in 1942, because many more of the trained staff have now been called up and it is not easy to replace them.

Mr. De la Bère

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that many thousands of small shopkeepers have had to close their businesses owing to shortage of man-power? Why is it that the gas and electricity undertakings should be allowed to retain them? This is not a matter which should be passed over lightly.

Mr. T. Smith

This is a long way from being a question of small shopkeepers; it is a question of general shortage of manpower.

Mr. Thorne

Is it not the case that where gas and electricity are under one local authority, one and the same person could do the work.

Mr. T. Smith

In some cases, where both are under the same authority, the scheme has been tried, and in others it has been tried and has had to be abandoned.

Mr. Wootton-Davies

Why cannot you concentrate like other industries.

Mr. De la Bere

It can be done and it must be done.