HC Deb 05 April 1944 vol 398 cc2000-1
44. Colonel Arthur Evans

asked the hon. Member for Dulwich, as Chairman of the Kitchen Committee, if he will give an assurance that during whatever hours the House may be required to sit suitable arrangements will be made to provide adequate catering facilities for Members and others whose business brings them to the House of Commons and that, if necessary, application will be made to the Ministry of Labour for any extra staff required and to the Ministry of Food for additional supplies of food.

Mr. Bracewell Smith (Chairman of the Kitchen Committee)

The answer to the first part of the Question is "Yes", subject to the existing rationing orders being observed, and to satisfactory arrangements being made in regard to staff hours. If necessary, application will be made to the Ministry of Labour for extra staff. In reply to the last part of the Question, we already receive our full allocation of rationed foods in accordance with the Ministry of Food regulations, and we are not prepared to ask for any preferential treatment for Members of Parliament unless the House decides otherwise.

Colonel Evans

Is my hon. Friend aware that there was no intention in the Question to suggest that we were asking for facilities which are denied to others? The purpose of the Question was to ensure that, if alterations in the hours of the Sittings of the House took place in future, we would be put in the same position as any other assembly which has to carry on in the national interest.

Mr. Bracewell Smith

I am sorry I misunderstood the last part of the Question, but it might be misinterpreted.

Colonel Evans

I beg to give notice that I will raise the whole question of the catering and refreshment arrangements within the department of the Serjeant of Arms on the Motion for Adjournment on the next Sitting Day.