HC Deb 21 September 1943 vol 392 cc29-30
88. Colonel Burton

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what steps are being taken to remedy the shortage of coal and coke in South-West Suffolk in general and Sudbury in particular?

Major Lloyd George

I have made inquiries as to the stocks of coal and coke in the areas mentioned, and I am not aware of any shortage. If my hon. and gallant Friend will give me particulars of any specific case he has in mind of difficulties in obtaining supplies, I will gladly look into them.

89. Colonel Burton

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what steps are being taken to ensure a turnover of stocks of coal in the Billericay urban district area; whether he is aware of the deterioration of the existing dumps; and when coal will be available for householders to obey the injunction of his Department to store coal at present for use in the winter?

Major Lloyd George

Some deterioration is inevitable in coal which has been laid down in stock. I am satisfied, however, that in general the extent of the deterioration of existing dumps is not such as to justify the labour involved in a wholesale turn-over of stocks. As regards the area referred to by my hon. and gallant Friend, some renewal of stocks has been found possible from time to time. As regards the last part of the Question, adequate supplies of coal are available for householders to lay in stocks within the limits. authorised by my Department. I would also point out that purchases of coal for stocking can be supplemented by liberal allowances of coke and other alternative fuels.