HC Deb 27 October 1943 vol 393 cc186-7
63. Mr. Riley

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware of the demands made by the peasant growers of bananas in Jamaica for Government assistance to meet the cost of spraying their crops in order to combat the ravages of leaf-spot disease which is causing widespread poverty and distress among small growers; and what action has been taken?

Colonel Stanley

I have not yet received representations on this subject. United Kingdom funds have been made available to the Department of Agriculture for dealing with control measures against the disease. A Banana Leaf-Spot Control Board has also been set up to provide assistance for growers by the issue free, on loan, of the necessary equipment and material. Funds for the Board's work are raised under the guaranteed purchase scheme financed from United Kingdom funds. Active research is being undertaken with the object of finding or breeding varieties immune or resistant to both leaf-spot and Panama disease.

Mr. Hannah

Who gets these bananas?

Colonel Stanley

The people of Jamaica, who grow them