HC Deb 19 October 1943 vol 392 cc1200-2
32. Mr. Gallacher

asked the Secretary of State for War whether in view of the fact that the King's Regulations relating to political activity are not to be too rigorously applied, he will now consider the reinstatement of the many members of the Communist Party, several of them non-commissioned officers, who have been released from the Army because of their political associations?

Sir J. Grigg

There is nothing in King's Regulations which forbids a soldier being a member of a political party, and the hon. Member is under a misapprehension in suggesting that soldiers are discharged from the Army on account of their political associations. The substance of the first part of the hon. Member's Question was fully discussed in April of this year in the course of the Debate on the Army and Air Force (Annual) Bill, and I have nothing to add to what was then said by the Financial Secretary.

Mr. Gallacher

Is the Minister aware that last week, in answer to a question, he said that the Regulations should not be too vigorously applied? Is he not aware that I have already supplied him with information about a number of lads, with the very best of characters as soldiers, who have been commended by their commanding officers, but who have been released from the Army because M.I.5 put its finger on them on account of their previous political associations?

Sir J. Grigg

Certainly the hon. Member has written to me about various cases, and I have replied to him that, after personal investigation, I was satisfied that the action taken was right.

Mr. Gallacher

Is the Minister aware that in every case about which I have written to him the man has had the very highest character as a soldier from his commanding officer? Is not that correct?

Sir J. Grigg

I am not aware that that is so in every case, without looking up the cases which the hon. Member has sent me; but in some of the cases that is certainly so.

Mr. Maxton

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that I have had cases of the same kind? What power is there to discharge a young serving soldier with a good record, on political grounds?

Sir J. Grigg

Speaking from recollection, I do not think that discharges can take place without the cases coming before the Army Council.

Mr. R. J. Taylor

Is the Minister aware that I have a civilian case, a man passed A1, who has been refused entry into the Army, and has then written to the War Office and been refused, on the grounds that he is a Communist?

Sir J. Grigg

Perhaps the hon. Member will let we have details of the case, and I will look into it.

Mr. Gallacher

Is it the case that the Minister has no power over the Army Council?

Captain Cunningham-Reid

The Minister has spoken of taking a lenient view of King's Regulations, but surely King's Regulations are meant to be obeyed, and, if they turn out to be unfair, they should be withdrawn altogether?

Sir J. Grigg

What I said was not that they should be construed in a lenient way, but that they should be construed in a commonsense way.