HC Deb 19 October 1943 vol 392 cc1199-200
29. Mr. Evelyn Walkden

asked the Secretary of State for War why his Department proposes that cinema entertainment for the Army overseas shall be transferred from the Department of National Service Entertainment to the War Office; whether the Entertainments Board, under the chairmanship of Lord May, specially set up by the Government to control entertainment, and upon which all three fighting Services are represented, was consulted; and, if not, why not?

Sir J. Grigg

The question of the future development of cinema entertainment for the Forces overseas is at present under consideration. The other Services are being consulted.

Mr. Walkden

Has the right hon. Gentleman not received a communication from Lord May, the President of the Entertainments Board, protesting about the introduction of this scheme, and will not the scheme at present under consideration lead to a duplication and waste of manpower?

Sir J. Grigg

I was under the impression that the letter I had received from Lord May was a private one.

Mr. Turton

Does the right hon. Gentleman realise that the present position of cinema entertainment overseas is very unsatisfactory, and will he give an assurance that the needs of the Armed Forces in regard to cinema entertainment will be the only consideration?

Sir J. Grigg

To the second part of the supplementary question the answer is certainly "Yes." As regards the first part, I know that this question is one on which two opinions are held, and very strongly held.

Mr. Gallacher

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that some lads in the R. A. F. protested against the ancient character of the films they were getting, and that following the protest the next week they got "Ben Hur "?