HC Deb 14 October 1943 vol 392 cc1024-5
3. Mr. Levy

asked the Minister of Labour why no explanatory memorandum was attached to the Emergency Powers (Defence) Employment of Women (Control of Engagement) Order (S.R. & O. No. 1278 of 1943)?

Mr. Bevin

This Order made certain changes in the classes of employments which are to be subject to the Employment of Women (Control of Engagement) Order, 1943 (S.R. and O. 1943 No. 142). It would have been better, I agree, if an explanatory memorandum had been issued, and I am now circulating an explanation in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Levy

Would the right hon. Gentleman arrange, if possible, for some explanation in the Press, because it is important, as this Order affects so many hundreds of thousands of women, that they should be conversant with it so that they may exactly know their position?

Mr. Bevin

I will certainly do that.

Following is the explanation:

The purpose of the Order referred to is to control the engagement of certain nurses, midwives and whole-time members of voluntary aid detachments by requiring all engagements of such persons to be made in future through a local office of the Ministry of Labour and National Service or an approved employment agency. The engagement of such persons had hitherto been excluded from the operation of the principal Order. The amending Order does not apply to the employment of any person as a member of a Civil Nursing Reserve, and the principal Order contains certain general exceptions which will also be applicable to the amending Order, e.g., the Order will not apply to the engagement of persons under 18 or over 40 or of any person who has living with her a child under the age of 14.

18. Mr. Jewson

asked the Minister of Labour the estimated number of man-hours required for the completion by employers in seven-fold of Form L.17 (October, 1943) under the Undertakings (Records and Information and Inspection of Premises) Order, 1943?

Mr. Bevin

I regret that I am unable to make an estimate, but I can assure my hon. Friend that only the minimum of information is asked for consistent with the proper planning of man-power policy.