HC Deb 14 October 1943 vol 392 c1053
70. Mr. John Dugdale

asked the Minister of Health whether health insurance authorities are entitled to reduce their payments to insured persons while they are in receipt of treatment allowances?

Mr. E. Brown

A person discharged from His Majesty's Forces who is in receipt of treatment allowances for injury or disease attributable to his service is disentitled to benefit under the National Health Insurance Acts in respect of incapacity arising from that injury or disease for a period of 26 weeks reckoned from the date of the injury or the first removal from duty. If the incapacity continues beyond those 26 weeks and treatment allowances remain in payment, the person becomes entitled to sickness benefit at half rate, but he continues to be disentitled to disablement benefit. This reduction or suspension of benefit ceases, however, when he has been employed for a prescribed period since the date of his discharge, namely, 26 weeks in the case of sickness benefit and 104 weeks in the case of disablement benefit.