That a Select Committee be appointed to whom shall be referred all Petitions presented to the House, with the exception of such as relate to Private Bills, and that such Committee do classify and prepare abstracts of the same in such form and manner as shall appear to them best suited to convey to the House all requisite information respecting their contents, and do report the same from time to time to the House; and that the Reports of the Committee do set forth, in respect of each Petition, the number of signatures which are accompanied by addresses, and which are written on sheets headed in every case by the prayer of the Petition or on the back of such sheets, provided that on every sheet after the first the prayer may be reproduced in print or by other mechanical process; and that such Committee have power to direct the printing in extenso of such Petitions, or of such parts of Petitions, as shall appear to require it; and that such Committee have power to report their opinion and observations thereupon to the House.
§ Committee nominated of Lieut.-Colonel Acland-Troyte, Sir Edward Campbell, Mr. Chater, Sir Reginald Clarry, Mr. Daggar, Captain Alan Graham, Captain Hambro, Mr. Horabin, Sir Percy Hurd, Brigadier-General Sir Ernest Makins, Sir Alexander Russell, Dr. Russell Thomas, Mr. Tinker, Mr. Viant and Sir Richard Wells.
That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers and records.
That Three be the quorum."—[Sir J. Edmondson.]
§ The remaining Orders were read, and postponed.