§ 70. Mr. Hammersleyasked the President of the Board of Trade whether the British Trade Delegation to Portugal will be empowered to discuss with the Portuguese authorities the possible revival of exports of Lancashire cotton goods to the Portuguese colonies?
§ Mr. DaltonThere is no British trade delegation to Portugal, but the Commercial Counsellor to His Majesty's Embassy at Lisbon is, of course, constantly in touch with the Portuguese Government and commercial community on trade questions.
§ Mr. HammersleyIs it not desirable that the earliest opportunity should be taken to meet the urgent requirements of the Portuguese for these goods, and should they not be supplied from this country if possible?
§ Mr. DaltonAs I have explained, I give preference to the home market and to the Empire. In due course we hope to do something for the Portuguese, too.
§ Mr. Evelyn WalkdenAre we to understand that the U.K.C.C. are not active in Portugal in trying to sell Lancashire textiles?
§ Mr. DaltonThat is not the Question on the Paper. Perhaps my hon. Friend will put it down.