HC Deb 11 November 1943 vol 393 c1261
1. Mr. R. C. Morrison

asked the Minister of Labour whether it is proposed to continue the call-up of small building contractors over 40 years of age, fully employed as contractors to local authorities for repair of damaged houses urgently needed in industrial areas?

The Minister of Labour (Mr. Ernest Bevin)

Under present arrangements building contractors over 40 years of age are not being called up for the Forces. When it is proposed to transfer such men to other work the value of the work on which they are engaged is taken into consideration, and the need to repair damaged houses is not overlooked.

Mr. Morrison

Would my right hon. Friend give his attention to these questions, because quite a number of small building contractors have been urged by other Government Departments to undertake contracts, and also by local authorities, to undertake the repair of damaged houses, and are in a quandary because they do not know whether they can enter into any undertakings from the point of view of whether they will be called away either for the Forces or for other purposes?

Mr. Bevin

The building situation is very difficult, and the first consideration I have to give is to the needs of strategy in view of forthcoming events.