HC Deb 04 November 1943 vol 393 c852
39. Mr. Driberg

asked the Home Secretary whether he is still keeping under observation the Scottish Protestant League's organ "The Vanguard," and the activities of its editor, Mr. Alexander Ratcliffe, in view of the demand for a negotiated peace with Hitler in the October issue of "The Vanguard" and as Mr. Ratcliffe has published a second edition of his 20-page anti-Semitic, anti-Soviet pamphlet, "The Truth About the Jews"?

Mr. H. Morrison

Yes, Sir. I am still keeping an eye on this paper and its editor. I am glad to say that the effect of his objectionable writings is negligible, and I think public morale is sufficiently robust to ignore them without assistance from me.

Mr. Driberg

Could the right hon. Gentleman say, or can he find out, what is approximately the circulation of this paper, and of the pamphlet?

Mr. Morrison

I know that the circulation of the paper is very, very small. The circulation of the pamphlet I do not know. I would warn my hon. Friend that Questions in Parliament can increase it.