46. Mr. Macleanasked the Minister of Production the number of factories that have been built for war purposes in Scotland during the past 12 months?
§ The Minister of Production (Mr. Lyttelton)I regret that I am unable to publish the figure desired by the hon. Member, but I am sending him some figures about the considerable expansions of war production in Scotland during the period to which he refers.
47. Mr. Macleanasked the Minister of Production the number of factories, or parts of factories, that have been closed down in Scotland during the past 12 months; and the approximate number of workers that have been transferred to other works?
§ Mr. LytteltonI regret that information is not available in the form in which the hon. Member asks for it. My information is that only three small factories engaged upon war production have been entirely closed. Any transfer of labour resulting from changes in production programmes is a matter for my right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour.
Mr. MacleanDoes the right hon. Gentleman know how many factories have been partly closed, or how many departments have been closed down, and employees dismissed or transferred to other parts of the country?
§ Mr. LytteltonIt is that information which, as I have said, it is difficult to obtain.