HC Deb 02 November 1943 vol 393 cc509-10
29. Mr. William Brown

asked the Secretary of State for War whether a member of the Home Guard is in any way prohibited from communicating with Members of Parliament; and what are the regulations dealing with this matter?

Sir J. Grigg

I am not aware that there are any regulations which prohibit Home Guards from communicating with Members of Parliament.

Mr. Brown

If I bring to the attention of the Secretary of State a case where a Home Guard was recently reprimanded by his commanding officer for communicating with a Member of Parliament, will he be kind enough to look into it?

Sir J. Grigg

Certainly, Sir.

30. Major Manningham-Buller

asked the Secretary of State for War what nurnber of Regular officers, under 35 years of age and medical category A, are now employed as Home Guard training officers?

Sir J. Grigg

Five, Sir.

36. Mr. Naylor

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction prevailing among all ranks of a certain battalion of the Home Guard, of which he has been informed, which has resulted in the resignations of three company commanders and three junior officers, and applications from 18 non-commissioned officers to be allowed to resume their former position in the ranks; and whether he will make a statement as to the steps to be taken to restore the confidence of officers and men in the higher command?

Sir J. Grigg

An investigation into these matters is now being carried out.

42. Mr. Glenvil Hall

asked the Secretary of State for War whether the recent instruction that Home Guard boots needing repair must be sent to one centre in each area applies universally to all districts?

Sir J. Grigg

I am not aware that such an instruction has been issued, but if my hon. Friend will let me have particulars of it I will have inquiries made.

Mr. Hall

Am I to understand that certain instructions can be issued without the War Office knowing about it?

Sir J. Grigg

A certain amount of latitude must be allowed to local commanders. If the hon. Member will give me particulars of instructions having been wrongfully issued, I will look into the matter.