§ 5. Mr. A. Edwardsasked the Minister of Aircraft Production whether the recent appointment of Sir Charles Bruce-Gardiner is to be a full-time job; and whether he is continuing to draw a salary from the Society of British Aircraft Constructors?
§ The Minister of Aircraft Production (Sir Stafford Cripps)The answer to the first part of the question is "Yes" and to the second part "No, Sir."
§ Mr. EdwardsCan the Minister say whether this gentleman was paid £10,000 a year by a select number of aircraft producers to preserve the monopoly of that select number?
§ Sir S. CrippsI am afraid that I do not know what the gentleman's salary was or the purpose for which it was paid.
§ Mr. EdwardsWill the Minister make inquiries, and if the facts are as stated, will he see that this gentleman's wings are effectively clipped?