HC Deb 12 May 1943 vol 389 cc600-1
8. Mr. Loverseed

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether the statement made by Mr. Patterson, United States Under Secretary for War, to the Senate Truman Committee, regarding the serious shortage of 100 octane aviation fuel applies also to Great Britain; and whether he will again bring to the notice of officers commanding Royal Air Force units the need for the utmost economy in this matter?

Captain Balfour

I have seen Press reports of the statement referred to. The United States and United Kingdom Governments collaborate closely in the matter of supplies of 100 octane aviation fuel and operational needs have been and are being fully met. As regards the last part of the Question, regulations designed to ensure economy in the use of aviation fuel are in force throughout the Service.

Mr. Loverseed

Will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman consider a case I have in mind in which, owing to the tightness of the rule about pool petrol, a journey which would have involved two gallons of pool petrol was found to be much more conveniently done by means of aircraft at a cost of about 40 gallons of 100 octane fuel?

Captain Balfour

Naturally, I cannot accept that version of the case until I have investigated it. If my hon. Friend will send me particulars, I will look into them.