HC Deb 04 May 1943 vol 389 c20
62. Mr. Beverley Baxter

asked the Secretary of State for War for what purpose a volunteer is made to sign an undertaking as to his pension rights; does this alter in any way his ultimate claims in case of disability; and whether there is any difference in regard to pensions between a soldier who volunteers and one who is called up in the ordinary way?

Sir J. Grigg

The pension terms are the same for all, whether volunteers or not. The clause in the enlistment form to which my hon. Friend refers dates from the time when all were volunteers, and was intended to call the recruit's attention to the limitation of pension entitlement to disabilities attributable to service. The clause was omitted from the enlistment form for the non-volunteer because he would have no say in the terms of his service. In view of the misunderstanding which has arisen, I am considering the withdrawal of the clause altogether.