HC Deb 30 March 1943 vol 388 cc11-2
10. Mr. Wakefield

asked the Secretary of State for War when certain accounts, of which he has been informed, were last audited?

Sir J. Grigg

These accounts were last audited on 28th January, and the next audit will take place next week.

Mr. Wakefield

While I thank the right hon. Gentleman for his reply, can he state whether the accounts were found in a satisfactory condition?

Sir J. Grigg

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Wakefield

Thank you.

Mr. G. Strauss

Is a Question in Order when the reference is so vague that no Member of the House apart from the questioner has any idea what it is all about?

Mr. Speaker

It is in Order. Whether it is clear or not, does not rest with me.

Mr. McEntee

Will the right hon. Gentleman say what is the reason for withholding the name of the organisation concerned?

Mr. Wakefield

May I say that I gave full details in the Question I handed to the Clerk at the Table, and that they were ruled out by the Clerk at the Table?

Mr. Speaker

The Question could not be put on the Paper more clearly on account of security reasons.