HC Deb 17 March 1943 vol 387 c1174
36. Mr. Harvey

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can make a statement on the present labour situation in Kenya, giving information as to the number of strikes which have occurred during the last six months; and whether he is satisfied with the state of labour legislation in Kenya?

Colonel Stanley

During the last six months, apart from the stoppages of work mentioned in the reply which I gave my hon. Friend on 3rd February, the only incidents which have been reported were certain repercussions of those stoppages in the form of small strikes in other towns. The strikers quickly resumed work on being informed that their complaints would be examined and dealt with. My present information is that the labour position is generally satisfactory, except that the difficulties in maintaining the food supply within the next few months must naturally cause the Government some anxiety. As regards the last part of the Question, a Bill has been published for introduction in the current session of the Legislative Council to amend the Trade Union Legislation in certain respects.

Mr. Harvey

When is that Bill likely to be proceeded with?

Colonel Stanley

I understand that the new Session starts almost immediately.

Mr. Creech Jones

Will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman look into the whole problem of labour legislation in Kenya?

Colonel Stanley

From what I have seen of this Bill which it is proposed to introduce, it proceeds on very satisfactory lines.