HC Deb 17 March 1943 vol 387 c1164
20. Sir Herbert Williams

asked the Minister of Information whether he is aware that when it is desired to send to a unit of His Majesty's Forces in Northern Ireland gifts of a recreational nature the Postal and Telegraphic Censorship Department of his Ministry require, in duplicate, an undertaking of a character which has not been required in connection with similar gifts to serving members of His Majesty's Forces in any other part of the world; and the reason for this discrimination against His Majesty's Forces in Northern Ireland?

Mr. Bracken

No censorship permit is required for sending gifts to a member of His Majesty's Forces serving outside Great Britain provided that they are addressed to his unit. If a private address in Northern Ireland is used, the regulations applying to packets for civilians must be observed.

Sir H. Williams

Is my right hon. Friend aware that in the case of a registered war charity, properly addressed, it was required to fill in a most elaborate document?

Mr. Bracken

No, Sir; I am not aware of these new facts.

Sir H. Williams

If I bring them to my right hon. Friend's attention, will he look into the matter further?

Mr. Bracken
