HC Deb 11 March 1943 vol 387 cc837-8
14. Mr. Foster

asked the Minister of Labour the latest total figure of unemployed registered at the employment exchanges; the number temporarily unemployed; the number unemployed for 12 months or over; the number fit for full employment; and the number certified only fit for selected employment for medical or physical reasons?

Mr. Bevin

At 18th January there were 99,017 persons registered at employment exchanges in Great Britain as unemployed, exclusive of 22,815 persons who had been classified by interviewing panels as unsuitable for ordinary employment. I am not in possession of statistics analysing the numbers under the headings specified by my hon. Friend, but it is known that the great majority consisted of persons who were in course of changing from one job to another, unskilled labourers who, owing to age or physical disability, were suitable only for light work, married women or others not available for transfer to employment in other districts, and school leavers who had recently registered for employment but had not yet begun work. At 14th December last; when an occupational analysis was obtained of the persons then registering as unemployed, about 21,000 men were classified as general labourers for light unskilled work, and in the majority of these cases the men were so classified on grounds either of age or of physical disability.

Mr. Foster

While I thank my right hon. Friend for his reply, is he not aware that there is a considerable number of those unemployed who have been unemployed for a long period and are fit for suitable, employment and who are having to live on unemployment benefit and public relief while, side by side with that, the Minister is directing women into employment who have family difficulties? Would it not be better to direct those people to whom I have referred to employment?

Mr. Bevin

If hon. Members know of specific cases, I shall be only too glad to look into them, but the thing is so scattered now and the numbers so small that it is really difficult to turn the whole Department on to it again. I would rather deal with specific cases to which hon. Members can call my attention and try to grapple with them.

Mr. Foster

Could not some general instruction be given to the managers at employment exchanges to try and place these people in employment?

Mr. Bevin

I assure you it is.

Mr. Thorne

What advantage would a man who is certified as unfit for employment get by registering at an employment exchange?

Mr. Bevin

Well, if I may make this confession, it is the only way I can give him a decent subsistence.