HC Deb 30 June 1943 vol 390 cc1613-4
27. Sir Patrick Hannon

asked the Minister of Information whether his attention has been called to the account given by a Dutchman, who recently reached this country, of the cruelty practised in German slave labour camps upon foreign workers; and whether widespread publicity is being given to this organised and officially directed barbarism throughout the United Nations?

Mr. Bracken

The Netherlands News Agency has cabled this report to leading capitals abroad, and both the B.B.C. and the Dutch have broadcast it.

28 and 29. Sir P. Hannon

asked the Minister of Information (1) whether he has considered the protest issued by the Dutch Reformed Church, on 16th May, on the indignities, misery and starvation imposed on the Dutch people; and whether publicity is being given in the United States of America to this indictment of German criminal action upon a helpless people;

(2) what publicity is being given, especially in the United States of America, to the treatment of 3,000 Catholic priests in the Dachau concentration camp, 2,000 of whom are Poles?

Mr. Bracken

The Press of the United States retain a large number of able and active correspondents, who miss no significant news. I am informed that these bestial German crimes and the protests issued by the Churches have been given wide publicity in the United States.

Mr. Lawson

As these stories are becoming more and more common and the cruelty seems to be increasing, would it not be possible for the Government to consider having evidence taken on oath and, where possible, witnesses, so that we could publish a White Paper with Governmental authority behind the stories?