HC Deb 22 June 1943 vol 390 cc999-1000
46. Mr. Hannah

asked the Prime Minister whether he can promise a day for the consideration of the Motion standing in the name of the hon. and gallant Member for Erdington (Group-Captain Wright) and others about the trend of population in this country?

[That this House views with alarm the continuing low birthrate and the resulting approach of a decline in population so steep as to menace the future security and prosperity of the British nation and race, and urges His Majesty's Government to adopt all possible measures, economic and educational, to avert this danger, including the introduction at the earliest practicable date of a scheme of children's allowances and improved social services, as already approved in principle by His Majesty's Government.]

The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Eden)

The desire for a Debate on the trend of the population has been noted. I am afraid that, in the present state of Public Business, I am not able to promise a special opportunity for the consideration of the Motion standing on the Paper, but certain aspects of the problem could be raised on a Supply day on the appropriate Vote.

Mr. Hannah

Do the Government realise the perfectly terrible importance of this question?

Mr. Eden

I do not know that I would accept my hon. Friend's dramatic epithet, but I do agree that a discussion might be useful; and it could be held in the way I have suggested.

Miss Rathbone

Can a special time be allocated on that day, by arrangement through the usual channels, for discussion on this matter, rather than leaving it to be referred to in an omnibus Debate?

Mr. Eden

That is a matter for you, Sir.