HC Deb 22 June 1943 vol 390 cc989-90
29. Mr. Stokes

asked the Secretary of State for War how the figure of 2,550 tanks lost by the Axis Powers in North Africa was arrived at; whether the count was made by his Department; and, if so, why no figure as to the number of German Tiger Mark VI. tanks is available?

Mr. A. Henderson

The figure of 2,550 tanks lost by the Axis Powers in Africa is an estimate prepared in the War Office. It covers the period from the start of the campaign in Abyssinia, includes German and Italian tanks, and is based on reports received from time to time from theatre commanders. Details of the types of tanks captured or destroyed have not yet been received from North Africa, where the battle area has not yet been cleared.

Mr. Stokes

Is my hon., gallant and learned Friend aware that the Tiger tank is a new type of tank and that only a small number of them were used in Tunisia? Surely it ought to be possible to tell us how many were captured?

Mr. Henderson

It is true that only a small number of Tiger tanks were used, but they were used over a very large area.

Mr. Stokes

But does not my hon., gallant and learned Friend know the number?

Mr. Henderson

I do not know the number. I have just said that we are waiting for reports from Africa, and until those reports are received we cannot give the House the information.