§ 26. Mr. Culverwellasked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he is aware that in order to obtain extra petrol for their private use owners of motor-cars are getting them licensed as hackney carriages; and will he take steps to stop this practice?
Major Lloyd GeorgeYes, Sir, I am aware of various forms of this subterfuge, and have taken steps to ensure that the owners gain no advantage by it in the matter of petrol allowances.
§ Mr. CulverwellI do not know whether the right hon. and gallant Gentleman is referring to the Order just issued with regard to hired cars, and, if so, I would ask him whether he is quite sure that this covers the particular point I have raised, as it seems only to put restrictions upon people who hire cars, whereas I want to catch people who have their own cars licensed for their own pleasure purposes.
Major Lloyd GeorgeI am not sure to which Order my hon. Friend is referring, but under the Order which win come into operation this month the particular subterfuge to which my hon. Friend has referred will not be possible.