HC Deb 27 July 1943 vol 391 cc1357-8
3. Sir Leonard Lyle

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he is aware that, since the introduction of control, a new seam, previously held up by excessive gas emission, has been opened in the Point of Ayr collieries; and what is the approximate increase of production repre- sented by the coal obtained from this new seam?

Major Lloyd George

As my hon. Friend will be aware, it is not the normal practice to give figures relating to individual undertakings. I am, however, able to say that the output of the new seam which has been opened at the Point of Ayr Collieries has been increasing steadily, though this increase has been largely offset by the decline in output at other parts of the pit which are nearing exhaustion.

Sir L. Lyle

In view of the fact that this new seam came into operation only after Government control, does not my right hon. and gallant Friend think that the answer which he gave me on 22nd June was rather unfortunate?

Major Lloyd George

If my answer was unfortunate, my hon. Friend's Question was equally unfortunate. I was asked whether output had gone up, and I said that it had. I answered a plain question.

Sir L. Lyle

My right hon. and gallant Friend did not tell me that there was a new seam.

4. Sir L. Lyle

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether the Regional Director of Production has visited the Point of Ayr collieries since control was introduced; and whether he can state the nature of any improvements in the working of the colliery suggested by him?

Major Lloyd George

The Regional Production Director has paid 12 visits to the Point of Ayr Colliery since control was introduced, and two visits have been paid by Assistant Directors of Production. As a result of these joint meetings certain suggestions for development were agreed which enabled more men to be employed at the colliery, with a consequent increase in output.