HC Deb 27 July 1943 vol 391 cc1382-3
62. Mr. McNeil

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland on how many of the recently allocated 1,000 houses work has begun; for how many tenders have been approved; and if tenders for any have not yet been submitted to the approval of the Scottish Office?

Mr. Johnston

I am advised that on more than 25 per cent. of the houses work has actually begun. Tenders for 742 houses have been approved, and I expect to approve tenders on 128 more to-morrow. Tenders for 64 are expected shortly. Tenders for 66 houses have been rejected because of the excessive costs, and the local authorities concerned have been advised to make fresh tenders.

Mr. McNeil

In the event of local authorities, in these cases where excessive tenders have been made, failing to get what my right hon. Friend must consider a reasonable figure, what is he going to do in the circumstances?

Mr. Johnston

In the first instance I want to make perfectly sure that these excessive tenders have been properly scrutinised. In one case tenders have been for £1,655 per house, exclusive of land, roads, drains and extra underbuilding.

Mr. Henderson Stewart

Are any of these houses being built by the Ministry of Works, and, if so, at what price?

Mr. Johnston

The answer is in the negative.