HC Deb 21 July 1943 vol 391 cc883-4
44. Mr. Turton

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what post-war plans he has received for development and welfare from the Governors of the West African Colonies; and whether such plans when received will be published?

Colonel Stanley

A comprehensive plan for post-war development has been received from the Government of the Gambia. Plans for development and welfare in the other three territories are in course of preparation in West Africa and in some cases have already been submitted to me for my consideration. it would be premature at this stage to consider the publication of the general body of these plans, although it may be found desirable from time to time to give publicity to individual schemes.

Mr. Sorensen

When the various plans arrive from the four main Colonies, will the House have an opportunity of discussing the matter?

Colonel Stanley

Certainly, Sir. At some time or other I should like to put hon. Members in the same position as they were in in discussing the West Indies on the Stockdale Report, but I cannot give a promise as to how or when.