HC Deb 21 July 1943 vol 391 c897
58. Mr. Keeling

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food how much public money has been paid to persons who have performed the opening ceremony at British Restaurants?

Mr. Mabane

Normally no fees are paid to persons who, at the invitation of local authorities, open British Restaurants. Occasionally fees have been paid to persons who are on my Department's panel of speakers. The total sum expended in this way has amounted to £145 2s. 5d.

Mr. Keeling

Is my hon. Friend aware that somebody in his Department gave information to the Press after this Question appeared on the Order Paper? Does he think it right that the information should appear in the Press before it is given to the House?

Mr. Mabane

Yes, I have the cutting. I understand that the hon. Member himself gave information to the Press first.

Mr. Keeling

Oh no.

Mr. Mabane

But I have the cutting here, and it reads "Wing-Commander Keeling said," and so on. I have made inquiries, and I find that contact was made with the Department by the Press and that certain things were said, without consideration or knowledge of the Question.

Mr. Keeling

May I say that when the Press rang me up, I declined to give any information whatever.