36. Miss Wardasked the Minister of Health, in view of the shortage of domestic help, how many local authorities are operating home-help schemes; and whether he will make the operation of such schemes compulsory?
§ Mr. E. BrownIn November last, at the suggestion of my Advisory Committee, I issued a circular to welfare authorities urging them to make every effort to provide home-helps as part of their Maternity and Child Welfare Schemes. I have followed up the circular, and my information is that local authorities generally are working to carry out the suggestions. If my hon. Friend has any particular district in mind, I shall be glad to have special inquiries made.
Miss WardCould the right hon. Gentleman publish a report showing what local authorities are operating schemes?
§ Mr. BrownIf the hon. Lady will discuss it with me, I will see what can be done. It is a very difficult matter.
§ Mr. David AdamsCan home-helps be employed in families apart from maternity and child welfare needs?
§ Mr. BrownThe circular I have referred to is in regard to my responsibility for maternity and child welfare.