§ 57. Mr. Evelyn Walkdenasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, in view of the widespread evasion of the Maximum Prices Orders for Poultry and Rabbits and the rejection of the proposed scheme of control, he will consider the abandonment of these price Orders, the ineffectiveness of which has brought them into contempt?
§ Mr. MabaneNo, Sir. Whilst my Noble Friend regrets that some evasion of the Maximum Prices Orders for poultry and rabbits is taking place, he cannot agree that the proper remedy is to withdraw the Orders.
§ Mr. WalkdenIs my hon. Friend aware that newspaper cuttings during the past six months reveal over 150 prosecutions for violating the price control Order, and that not more than 25 per cent. of the rabbits and poultry now sold are sold according to the terms of the Order?
§ Mr. MabaneThe hon. Member knows a great deal about this subject, and he knows its difficulty. All I can say is that our motto is nil desperandum. We are hoping to get some scheme to control the sale of poultry and rabbits.
§ Mr. WalkdenAt an early date?