HC Deb 07 July 1943 vol 390 c2093
55. Mr. Leslie

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he will in future, when alterations have to be made in points, make them operative on a Monday, a fully recognised shopping day, instead of on a Sunday as has been the practice recently?

Mr. Mabane

My Noble Friend will be prepared to consider any arguments in favour of the change proposed by my hon. Friend, but his present view is in favour of the existing arrangements.

Mr. Leslie

Does my hon. Friend not realise that this gives an unfair advantage to a limited number of traders who open on Sundays and handicaps other traders who seek to observe the Sunday Trading (Restriction) Act?

Mr. Mabane

The number of traders who open on Sundays is very limited, and there is a substantial advantage in making these announcements in the way we do; but I would be prepared to discuss the matter with my hon. Friend.