HC Deb 06 July 1943 vol 390 c1924
39. Sir T. Moore

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will issue some more stringent instructions with a view to curtailing the excessive speed at which military despatch riders travel, with special reference to built-up areas?

Mr. A. Henderson

All War Department despatch riders have specific orders to observe certain speed limits wherever they may be. In built-up areas they must in addition observe the speed restrictions in force there by law. The military and civil police are well aware of these instructions and take steps to see that they are obeyed. I do not consider that further instructions are necessary.

Sir T. Moore

Is the hon. and learned Gentleman really not aware of the obvious disregard that many of them show every day for the comfort and safety of the civilian population, which tends to bring unfair criticism upon the Army generally, which it does not deserve? Will he therefore consider the issue of more urgent and drastic instructions which may limit this practice?

Mr. Henderson

The instructions are sufficiently drastic. It is a question of whether they are enforced.

Sir William Davison

Was it not reported some time ago that 90 per cent. of these despatch riders were in hospital?

Captain Cunningham-Reid

Is not speed the very essence of success in this war?