HC Deb 06 July 1943 vol 390 c1943
Mr. Arthur Greenwood

Might I ask the Leader of the House whether he would state the revised Business for the next Sitting Day?

Mr. Eden

Yes, Sir. In view of the postponement of the Pensions Appeal Tribunals Bill, we propose on the next Sitting Day, after the Third Reading of the Finance Bill, to take the Committee and remaining stages of the Foreign Service Bill; the Coal Bill [Lords], Second Reading; and, if there is time, a Motion to approve the Fish Sales Order.

Mr. Bellenger

In view of the postponement of one of the Measures which was to be taken on the next Sitting Day, is my right hon. Friend in a position to give the House any indication of when that Measure will be re-submitted to the House?

Mr. Eden

I hope that we shall be in a position to make our statement about pensions, which I propose should precede the resumption of work on the Bill, one day in the next series of Sittings.

Mr. Buchanan

Are we to take it that it has been decided to re-introduce this Bill, which obviously did not satisfy the House, instead of bringing in another Bill?

Mr. Eden

As my hon. Friend knows, the Bill has had a Second Reading. I suggest that he should await the statement that we are going to make on the broad position.

Earl Winterton

Is my right hon. Friend going to state what the Royal Warrant will be? Is it to be a comprehensive statement, or will it refer merely to the Bill itself?

Mr. Eden

No, Sir, the statement will not refer merely to the Bill; it will be a comprehensive statement.

Mr. Speaker

The original Question related to Business for the next Sitting Day only, and now we are going far beyond that day.