HC Deb 06 July 1943 vol 390 cc1907-8
1. Mr. Stokes

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Economic Warfare whether he is aware that the Belgian Government have asked for navicerts for 2,000 tons a month of dried milk, vitamin tablets and medicinal supplies; and whether, as this food is required solely for women and children in Belgium, he proposes to grant the necessary permit?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Economic Warfare (Mr. Dingle Foot)

Representations have been made by the Belgian Government, though not in the precise form suggested in the Question. As regards the second part of the Question, I have nothing to add to my former answers on this subject.

Mr. Stokes

Do the Government propose to do anything about this? All the answers were unsatisfactory.

Mr. Foot

I gave a very full considered answer, setting out the policy of the Government, on 19th May, and I have nothing to add to that reply.

Mr. Stokes

Are the Belgian Government in this country satisfied with that reply?

Mr. Edmund Harvey

May we take it that the Government are still considering the question?