HC Deb 01 July 1943 vol 390 c1765
20. Mr. Turton

asked the Minister of Health, whether he is aware that in certain districts the provisions of the Rating and Valuation (Postponement of Valuations) Act, 1940, are being nullified by proposals to amend assessments in selected parishes of certain classes of property; and whether he will circularise county valuation committees pointing out to them the undesirability of initiating such a piecemeal revision of assessments at the present stage of the war?

Mr. E. Brown

The Act of 194o, to which my hon. Friend refers, left it open to ratepayers on the one hand and to rating authorities and county valuation committees on the other to make proposals for altering existing assessments. As at present advised I do not think I should be justified in suggesting that rating authorities and county valuation committees should forgo their statutory right of taking steps to secure the alteration of assessments which they believe to be incorrect.

Mr. Turton

Does my right hon Friend appreciate that the work of revision of assessments is handicapping the war effort, and not only those who have to appear before Committees to give evidence but also those who sit on the Assessment Commission?

Mr. Brown

I will inquire of my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture to see whether he has any information on that point.