HC Deb 26 January 1943 vol 386 c336
3. Sir William Davison

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power, whether he is aware that, by the direction or with the approval of the Ministry, users of electricity in London are being required to instal separate meters for lighting, heating and cooking at considerable cost and with no object, seeing that a rationing scheme is not to be introduced; and what action it is proposed to take in the matter?

Major Lloyd George

I am aware that some consumers of electricity in London have insisted on changing over from a two-part tariff and that, as a result, separate meters and separate wiring have become necessary in some cases. In present circumstances, it is clearly contrary to the national interest that materials and labour should be used for this work of separate wiring and installing separate meters. Accordingly, the Electricity Commissioners are urging upon the undertakings the necessity of offering consumers a suitable alternative form of tariff which would obviate the necessity for separating the wiring and installing additional meters. If my hon. Friend knows of any case where an electricity undertaking is still pressing upon consumers a tariff which will involve separate wiring and installation of separate meters, I shall be very glad to ask the Electricity Commissioners to investigate the case.

Sir W. Davison

Are these alterations due to the recent Order of the Ministry forbidding electricity undertakings in future to charge the minimum quarterly charge authorised by their Acts or Orders in the case of any saving of current below the minimum charge?

Major Lloyd George

No, Sir.