HC Deb 20 January 1943 vol 386 cc212-3
53. Dr. Russell

Thomas asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, in view of the fact that more than 90 per cent. of the milk consumed in the London area is subjected to a process known as pasteurisation and that the number of deaths in London from tuberculosis in children under 15 years of age was 12 per cent. more in 1941 than in 1938, in spite of the reduction in child population in 1941 due to evacuation, will he say what sum was expended by his Department in advertising this prepared milk in 1941?

Mr. Mabane

Nothing was expended by my Department in advertising pasteurised milk in 1941.

Dr. Thomas

Is my hon. Friend aware that the statistics of the Medical Officer of the London County Council show that, in spite of wholesale pasteurisation, the actual death rate from non-pulmonary tuberculosis has increased by 67 per cent. during the war, and that it is much greater than in the country as a whole?

Mr. Mabane

The Question relates to advertising.

Dr. Edith Summerskill

Is the hon. Member aware that the highest medical authorities in the country refute the suggestion which has been made?

62. Mr. David Adams

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, with a view to destroying pathogenic organisms in non-pasteurised milk consumed by the population and resulting in widespread disease and deaths, it is now intended that all milk for human consumption will be scientifically pasteurised;

63. Dr. Russell Thomas

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what steps his Department has taken regarding the subject of the general pasteurisation of milk?

Mr. Mabane

The question of the appropriate and practical steps which can be taken to secure the elimination of active tubercle organisms from liquid milk is at present under consideration with the Agricultural and Health Departments and other interests.

Mr. Adams

In view of that evasive answer, which is a repetition of previous answers, I beg to give notice that I will raise this matter on the Adjournment at the first opportunity.

Major Petherick

In view of the controversy about the pasteurisation of milk, will the Parliamentary Secretary arrange for half-a-dozen doctors to be fed on pasteurised milk and a further half-dozen to be fed on non-pasteurised milk, so that we can see what happens?