HC Deb 19 January 1943 vol 386 cc3-4
1 and 2. Mr. William Brown

asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) whether he will give the names, ages and salaries of the Director of Public Relations and the Public Relations Officer, Board of Trade, with the dates of their appointment, details of positions they held prior to it and before the war and an explanation of the difference in their respective functions;

(2) in what circumstances Mr. C. J. J. Simmons, the Director of the Publications Department of the Board of Trade, was released from military service; what is his age; what journalistic experience he has had; and whether he considered the appointment of a disabled man, or man over military age, to this post?

The President of the Board of Trade (Mr. Dalton)

As the answer is somewhat detailed, I will circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

Director of Public Relations: Mr. C. C. J. Simmonds, age 37, salary £1,500 appointed 27th April, 1942. Before the war he was a director of Pritchard, Wood and Partners, incorporated practitioners in advertising; he has held a number of other posts in advertising and publishing, has engaged in free-lance journalism and has been closely connected with the Press for a number of years. He was called up as a member of the Army Officers' Emergency Reserve in October, 1939, was placed on the Unemployed List in May, 1940, at the request of the Air Ministry, in order to become Assistant Public Relations Director, British Overseas Airways Corporation, and held that post until appointed to the Board of Trade.

Public Relations Officer: Mr. F. W. P. Carter, age 52, salary £1,000, appointed 15th December, 1941. From December, 1930, till his appointment to the Board of Trade, he was London News Editor, Allied Newspapers.

Mr. Simmonds is the Head of the Public Relations and Press Department of the Board of Trade. He is responsible for keeping the public and traders informed about Board of Trade activities, which affect them, through the Press and other methods of publicity. Mr. Carter is Mr. Simmonds' deputy, and has a special responsibility for dealing with the Press, as distinct from the other publicity work of the Department. Men above military age were among those considered for the post of Director of Public Relations at the Board of Trade.