§ 40. Earl Wintertonasked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that in the Home Counties and other districts adjacent to large centres of population, there has been a continuing process, over the last 30 years, of using cottages built for and formerly occupied by agricultural labourers, as residences for persons of a different class, often for the purpose of week-end use only; and whether, in view of the hardship thus caused and the great lack of cottages for agricultural workers, he will issue an Order in Council prohibiting any person, unless officially billeted there, who is not an agricultural worker from occupying, in future, any cottage at present used as an agricultural worker's cottage?
§ Mr. E. BrownI have great sympathy with the object which my Noble Friend has in view, but in the case of houses owned by private persons the measure he suggests would appear to involve the compilation and maintenance of an up-to-date register of all houses occupied by agricultural workers. This complicated administrative procedure would, I fear, be quite impracticable. Houses built by local authorities for agricultural workers are already adequately safeguarded. I would point out moreover that under the Rent Restrictions Acts a landlord may apply to the Courts for vacant possession of a house required for an agricultural worker, without proof of alternative accommodation. I would also remind my Noble Friend that notwithstanding the many other urgent demands on labour and materials, preparatory work has already begun on a limited war-time scheme of 3,000 new cottages for agricultural workers.
§ Earl WintertonIs my right hon. Friend aware that the attention of the Department has constantly been called to this matter both during his administration and that of his predecessors—I called attention to it as long ago as 1908—and that nothing whatever has been done? In view of that and of the most exiguous building plans 294 of the right hon. Gentleman, I beg to give notice that I shall seek to move a reduction of his salary when his Estimates come forward and will raise the whole question.