HC Deb 24 February 1943 vol 387 cc141-2
5. Sir Patrick Hannon

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the statement embodied in Command Paper 6420 that in the immediate amalgamation of the Foreign Office and Diplomatic Service, the Commercial Diplomatic Service and the Consular Service would be merged into a new Foreign Service, he will inform the House of the measures now in process towards this objective?

Mr. Eden

Yes, Sir. I hope shortly to submit to His Majesty in Council the draft of an Order establishing His Majesty's Foreign Service.

Sir P. Hannon

Is progress being definitely made in this direction all the time?

Mr. Eden

I am submitting the Order to His Majesty. If it is approved, the Foreign Service will come into existence.

Mr. John Dugdale

Can we have an opportunity for discussion?

Mr. Eden

I am prepared to consider that. If the House desires a discussion, I will do my best to find facilities, because I should like to feel that I have the approval of the House to go ahead.

6. Sir P. Hannon

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in the reorganisation of the Foreign Service, consultation will take place with national organisations representative of the industrial and commercial life of the country, with a view to efficient training of qualified candidates in the various problems relating to the restoration and expansion of British export trade?

Mr. Eden

The main object of my proposals for the reform of the Foreign Service is to ensure that the commercial as well as the political and consular posts are adequately staffed. Certain consultations such as those referred to by my hon. Friend took place during the preparation of my proposals. I shall welcome the further co-operation of the organisations concerned in ensuring that the necessary training in matters relating to export trade is given both to men joining the Service and to officers visiting this country from time to time later in their careers.

Sir P. Hannon

So far as may be convenient, will my right hon. Friend make contact with the British trade organisations overseas, so that their views may be ascertained before coming to a decision?

Mr. Eden

I will bear my hon. Friend's suggestion in mind.

At the end of Questions——

Sir P. Hannon

Will my right hon. Friend the Leader of the House say whether, when he brings before the House the amalgamation of the Diplomatic and Consular Services, he will be able to arrange for the House to have time to consider it in Debate?

Mr. Eden

This matter was raised earlier at Question time. If there were a desire in the House for a discussion, I should myself like to have it soon, so that I should feel that I had the necessary authority to go ahead with the measures concerned. Perhaps the matter can be raised through the usual channels.