HC Deb 24 February 1943 vol 387 c152
27. Mr. Purbrick

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether the aeroplanes which attacked the enemy barracks at Amers-fact on Friday, 12th February, in steep dives were equipped with brakes, as in the case of dive-bombers?

Sir A. Sinclair

No, Sir.

Mr. Purbrick

In view of the fact that the provision of brakes would make these machines much safer, is it fair to ask the pilots to take these risks simply because some air-marshals are bigoted opponents of brakes?

Sir A. Sinclair

I am glad that my hon. Friend has raised this case. It is a case in which Mustangs attacked a German camp with immense effect and with such accuracy that the local people looked out of their houses and cheered them on. They made an average of four attacks each and escaped unscathed. I am certain that no dive-bomber would have escaped unscathed.