HC Deb 23 February 1943 vol 387 cc17-9
32. Mr. Sloan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland why the services of Mr. Laird, executive officer and technical adviser to the South Ayr Agricultural Committee, have been terminated, as he has been agricultural organiser for Ayrshire since 1924, gave entire satisfaction to the governors of the West of Scotland Agricultural College and farmers alike and, as a result of his experience and training, considerably increased production on each farm has resulted?

Mr. Johnston

The change of executive officer was made on the recommendation of the agricultural executive committee. Apparently there were some differences between the committee and Mr. Laird which could not be reconciled, and in the interests of harmonious administration it was felt desirable to arrange a change. Mr. Laird's position as county organiser under the West of Scotland Agricultural College, and his remuneration, remain unaffected.

Mr. Sloan

Will the right hon. Gentleman say whether Mr. Laird was heard or any evidence taken from him before the decision was made to terminate his appointment?

Mr. Johnston

Yes, Sir. I believe he was present at a meeting on Thursday, 21st January, where his explanations and evidence were heard.

Mr. Sloan

Are we to understand that only the ex parte statements of certain members of the executive committee were taken before this appointment was terminated, and is my right hon. Friend aware of the tremendous indignation that exists at the present time among the Ayrshire farmers because of this action by the Department?

Mr. Johnston

The point is that the agricultural executive committee, after hearing Mr. Laird and after negotiations——

Mr. Sloan

That is not true.

Mr. Johnston

After those negotiations——

Mr. Sloan

There were no negotiations.

Mr. Johnston

I am giving my answer. It is that Mr. Laird was present at this meeting, that he was heard, and that after he was heard the committee, by a majority, decided in the interests of harmonious administration that it would be better to change the executive officer.

Mr. Neil Maclean

Does not my right hon. Friend feel that the way out of the difficulty in this area would be to remove the entire committee and appoint a new one?

Mr. Gallacher

Are we to understand that the Minister, who is openly responsible, endorsed the dismissal of this man without hearing him or having any statement from him?

Mr. Johnston

No, Sir. I can only say what I have already said, that the agricultural executive committee made a recommendation and on the evidence before me I decided to accept it.

Mr. Sloan

As the appointment was made by the Secretary of State and is not under the control of the executive committee, what steps, Mr. Deputy-Speaker, have I and my hon. Friends to take——

Mr. Deputy-Speaker

The hon. Member may ask a question, but he may not make a speech.

Mr. Sloan

Is the Secretary of State prepared to have an impartial inquiry into this matter?

Mr. Johnston

If the hon. Member can give me any grounds upon which an inquiry would be justified, I would certainly hold it.

Mr. Sloan

I am far from satisfied.