HC Deb 16 February 1943 vol 386 cc1580-1
34. Sir Leonard Lyle

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power in what circumstances and by what authority of Statute or legislation officers of his Department exercise the power to enter private residences for any purpose whatever?

Major Lloyd George

Officers of my Department must have the power to enter private residences where such entry is necessary to secure compliance with orders or directions made in pursuance of Defence Regulations, and the necessary powers have accordingly been given in the Orders. For example, there is power to enter premises under provisions of the Control of Fuel (No. 3) Order, 1942, when there is reason to believe that fuel is being used or consumed in such premises; or under the Control of Motor Fuel Order, 1942, where there is reason to believe that hydro-carbon oil (which includes motor fuel) has been stored, used or consumed. These powers are only used in exceptional cases, and with due discretion.

Mr. Levy

Were these Orders issued and laid upon the Table, or were they sub-Orders, which never came before the House at all, so that the House had no power to intervene?

Major Lloyd George

The power is taken under Regulation 55.

Mr. Levy

Therefore, it never came before the House and the House had no opportunity of considering the matter, although it is a complete piece of legislation.

Sir L. Lyle

Can these officers of the Ministry descend, without notice, into anyone's house, when no one is there?

Major Lloyd George

I think the last sentence of my answer explains that. It says that these powers are only used in exceptional cases, and with due discretion.