§ 12. Mr. Hoggasked the President of the Board of Trade the constitution and qualifications of the committee of business 728 men and officials considering our post-war policy in relation to export trade; the terms of reference of this committee; how many meetings have been held; and whether it is proposed to publish a final or interim Report?
§ Mr. DaltonThe Post-War Export Trade Committee sits under the Chairmanship of my hon. Friend the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department and consists of four business men and of seven officials of the. Board of Trade and of the Department of Overseas Trade. Representatives of other interested Departments also attend meetings of the Committee. The Committee, which so far has held 13 meetings, has no terms of reference, other than to conduct a comprehensive study of the special problems which will face our export trade after the war. The Committee works largely through subcommittees, and under its direction consultations have already taken place with more than 50 industries. It is not proposed to publish any Report.
§ Mr. HoggWill the right hon. Gentleman tell me whether the Committee has been in touch with the Dominions in any form or with any other of the United Nation Governments in relation to this problem, or whether it is purely a domestic matter?
§ Mr. DaltonNo, Sir, it would not be the function of a committee of this kind to get into touch with the Dominions or with other Governments. That would be dealt with on another level.
§ Mr. John DugdaleCan the right hon. Gentleman say whether there is a trade union representative on this Committee?
§ Mr. DaltonNo, Sir, not on this Committee.