HC Deb 16 December 1943 vol 395 cc1673-4
30. Mr. Ralph Etherton

asked the Home Secretary what are the number and names of those in the Public Relations Department of the Home Office?

Mr. H. Morrison

The number of persons employed in the Public Relations Division, which serves the two Departments—the Home Office and the Ministry of Home Security—for which I am responsible, is 21, of whom two give only part-time service. The officer in charge of the division is Mr. George Griffith. As regards the persons employed in the division, including members of the executive and clerical grades, it is not the practice to publish the names of all those civil servants who at a particular date are assigned to a particular section of Departmental work.

Mr. Etherton

Does the Home Secretary not think that 21 is rather a less modest number than the modest size to which he referred?

Mr. Morrison

My reference was well justified. Here are two important State Departments, and the whole of the public relations staff is 21, two of whom are part-timers. I think it is most meritorious.

Mr. Rhys Davies

The right hon. Gentleman mentioned the name of George Griffiths. Is that George Griffiths, Member of this Honourable House?

Mr. Morrison

No, Sir.

Sir Herbert Williams

Is it not the case that some years ago there were no public relations officers in any Government Department regarded as having a Ministerial function?

Mr. Morrison

That is true, but there are now, and I think they have very much improved public relations.