HC Deb 15 December 1943 vol 395 cc1517-8
2 and 3. Mr. Riley

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (1) whether he has any official information regarding the setting up of a new provisional government in Yugoslavia under the auspices of the liberation forces;

(2) how far the guerrilla forces operating in Yugoslavia under General Tito and General Mihailovitch, respectively, are both being supported by the Allied Command in the Mediterranean; and whether he has any information as to how far the two generals are both recognised by the Yugoslav Government in Cairo?

Mr. Eden

I have nothing at present to add to the observations in my speech yesterday dealing with this situation.

Mr. Riley

In view of the fact that we now have an official Mission co-operating with the liberation forces in Yugoslavia, why cannot we recognise General Mihailovitch as well as General Tito?

Mr. Eden

I dealt with that point in what I said yesterday. The Mission to General Tito is a Military Mission.

Mr. Rhys Davies

Can the right hon. Gentleman tell us, for the information of the House and the country, what is the nationality of General Tito? Is he a Croat, a Slovene, or a Serb?

Mr. Eden

I think I am right in saying that he is a Croat, but I hope that I shall not be held wrong.

Mr. Bellenger

May I ask my right hon. Friend whether, in giving support to General Mihailovitch with arms, he is aware that some of those arms are being turned against the forces of General Tito, and does he approve of that?

Mr. Eden

I really am not prepared to debate this matter by question and answer. It is impossible to do so effectively. I made a pretty full statement yesterday.