HC Deb 15 December 1943 vol 395 cc1528-9
22. Sir Harold Webbe

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works what steps he is taking to safeguard the position under the provisions of Section 14 of the Public Offices (Site) Act, 1912, in connection with the offices which are being erected on the Embankment side of the Whitehall Gardens site?

Mr. Hicks

The temporary buildings concerned are being erected under the powers conferred on the Minister of Works by Defence Regulation 50. While my Noble Friend cannot, in terms, pledge his successors, it is unlikely that the clear intention of Parliament, when the Public Offices (Sites) Act was passed, would be disregarded when the war-time conditions which have made necessary and legal the action taken under Defence Regulation 50 no longer operate.

Sir H. Webbe

Is my hon. Friend aware that Whitehall, one of the most important and historic thoroughfares in the whole Empire, is still disfigured by so-called temporary buildings put up in the last war? Will he at least give the House an assurance, which would have considerable weight with his successors, that it is the intention of his Department to see that this does not happen again?

Mr. Hicks

I can readily give the hon. Member that assurance. It is not only our intention but our strong desire that these shall be pulled down at the earliest possible date?